- 〾譯語〾類〾解上
- 이유뤼계샹
- 이ᇹᅌᅲ뤼계썅
- 天文
- 時令
- 氣候
- 地理
- 宮闕
- 官府
- 公式
- 官職
- 祭祀
- 城郭
- 橋梁
- 學校
- 科擧
- 屋宅
- 敎閱
- 軍器
- 田漁
- 館驛
- 倉庫
- 寺觀
- 尊卑
- 人品
- 敬重
- 罵辱
- 身體
- 孕産
- 氣息
- 動靜
- 禮度
- 婚娶
- 喪葬
- 服飾
- 梳洗
- 食餌
- 親屬
- 宴享
- 疾病
- 醫藥
- 卜筮
- 算數
- 爭訟
- 刑獄
- 賣買
- 〾譯語〾類〾解上
- 이유뤼계샹
- 이ᇹ유뤼계썅
- ⿰言⿱四𦍒(〾譯)語〾類觧(〾解)下
- 이유뤼계햐
- 이ᇹᅌᅲ뤼계ᅘᅣ
- 譯語類觧(〾解)下終
- 이유뤼계햐
- ᅙᅵᅌᅲ뤼계ᅘᅣ
편집이 저작물은 저자가 사망한 지 100년이 지났으므로 전 세계적으로 퍼블릭 도메인입니다.
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The digitization was funded in part by the Laboratory Program for Korean Studies through the Ministry of Education of Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service of the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2016-LAB-2250004). This publication was supported by an agreement with Cornell University, LINGUISTICS, under Prime Agreement from ACADEMY OF KOREAN STUDIES. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University nor those of ACADEMY OF KOREAN STUDIES.