피아노 연습의 원리/1장/2-24
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원문편집24. Soft Pedal: Hammer Voicing, Physics of the Piano Sound
번역편집24. 소프트 페달: 정음(整音), 피아노 소리의 물리학 |
Many pianists do not understand the importance of proper hammer voicing for the soft pedal to be effective. If you tend to need the soft pedal to play softly, or if it is distinctly easier to play pianissimo with the grand lid closed, the hammer almost certainly needs voicing. See "Voicing" in Chapter Two, Section 7. With properly voiced hammers, you should be able to control soft playing to any desired degree without the soft pedal. With worn, compacted, hammers, playing softly is impossible and the soft pedal has less effect in changing the tone. In most cases, the original properties of the hammer can be restored by voicing (re-shaping, needling, etc.). The action must also be well regulated, with the let-off properly minimized, in order to enable PPP. | 많은 피아니스트들은 소프트 페달을 효과있게 만드는 데 적합한 해머 보이스(hammer voicing)의 중요성을 이해하지 못한다. 만약 부드럽게 연주하는 목적으로 소프트 페달을 필요로 하는 성향이 있다거나, 그랜드 피아노의 뚜껑을 닫은채로 연주해야 피아니시모로 연주하는 것이 분명하게 쉽다면, 해머보이싱이 필요하다. 챕터 2, 섹션 7의 "보이싱"부분을 보라. 적절하게 보이싱된 해머로라면 소프트 페달 없이 원하는 만큼의 부드러운 연주를 할 수 있어야 한다. 닳고 뻑뻑한 해머로는 부드럽게 연주하는 것은 불가능하고, 소프트 페달이 톤을 변화하는 효과가 적다. 대부분의 경우 보이싱(리쉐이핑, 니들링 등등)을 해서 해머를 원래 상태로 복원할 수 있다. PPP(피아니시시모)를 하기 위해서는, 힘을 최소화 하면서 동작을 절제해야 한다. |
The use of the soft pedal is controversial because too many pianists are unfamiliar with how it works. For example, many use it to play pianissimo, which is incorrect usage. As shown in Ch. Two, section 7, energy transfer from the hammer to the string is most efficient at impact, before the string starts to move. A compacted hammer transfers its energy during an extremely short time interval at impact and the hammer immediately bounces off the strings. This high efficiency of energy transfer gives the impression of a very light action. That is why there are old grands that feel feather light. Soft hammers on the same piano (with nothing else changed), would make the action feel heavier. This is because, with the softer impact point of the hammer, it stays on the string much longer, and the string is pushed out of its original position before all the hammer energy is transferred to the string. In this position, the energy transfer is less efficient (see Ch. Two, section 7) and the pianist must push harder to produce the same volume of sound. Thus voicing can be more effective in changing the apparent key weight than lead weights. Clearly, the effective key weight is only partly controlled by the force required to depress the key, since it also depends on the force required to produce a given amount of sound. The pianist does not know which factor (lead weights or soft hammer) is affecting the effective key weight. The piano technician must strike a compromise between voicing a hammer sufficiently soft so as to produce a pleasant tone but sufficiently hard so as to produce adequate sound. For all except the highest quality pianos, the hammer needs to be on the hard side in order to produce enough sound and to make the action feel nimble, which makes such pianos difficult to play softly. This in turn can "justify" use of the soft pedal where it should not be used. Piano owners who neglect voicing can make the piano tuner’s job difficult because, after the hammers are properly voiced, the owner will complain that the action is too heavy to play. In reality, the owner had gotten used to playing a feather light action and never learned how to play with real power to generate that gorgeous piano sound. | 너무 많은 피아니스트들이 소프트 페달의 작동원리에 대해 익숙하지 않기 때문에 소프트 페달의 사용은 논쟁의 여지가 있다. 오용의 한 예는 피아니시모로 연주하기 사용하는 것이다. 챕터 2장의 섹션 7에서 보다시피, 해머로부터 현으로 전해지는 에너지는 현이 울리기 직전인 충돌 순간이 가장 세다. 단단해진 해머는 충돌시 굉장히 짧은 시간동안 에너지를 전달하고, 그 직후에 현으로부터 튕기며 떨어진다. 이런 식으로 에너지전달의 효율이 높아지면, 굉장히 가볍게 움직인다는 느낌을 준다. 이것이 오래된 그랜드피아노에서 깃털처럼 가벼운 느낌을 주는 이유이다. 같은 피아노(아무것도 바뀌지 않은)의 부드러운 해머들은 좀더 무거운 움직임을 만들 것이다. 왜냐면, 해머의 충돌지점이 더 부드럽기 때문에, 현에 좀더 오래 머물러 있게 되어, 해머의 모든 에너지가 현으로 전달되기 전에 현이 본래 가야할 위치로 밀리게 된다. 이 위치에서, 에너지는 덜 효율적(챕터 2의 섹션 7을 보라)으로 전달되게 되고, 피아니스트는 같은 볼륨을 내는데 더 세게 눌러야만 하게 한다. 따라서 보이싱은 건반의 무게로 보이는 것을 바꾸는 데 건반납을 바꾸는 것 보다 더 효율적일 수 잇다. 명백히, 효율적인 건반의 무게라는 것은 주어진 만큼의 볼륨을 내는 데 드는 힘에도 달려맀기 때문에, 건반을 누를 때 드는 힘으로는 부분적으로만 조절된다???. 피아니스트는 도대체 어떤 요인(건반납추인지 아니면 소프트 해머인지)이 효과적인 건반 무게에 영향을 주는지 알지 못한다. 피아노 기술자는 유쾌한 톤을 내기 충분한 정도의 부드러운 해머 보이싱과 정확한 톤을 내기 충분한 단단한 해머 보이싱 사이의 절충안을 찾아야만 한다. 아주 고품질의 피아노를 제외하면, 해머는 충분한 소리를 내기 위해 단단할 필요가 있는데, 이는 타건감을 빠르게 만들고 그 결과 이런 피아노들에서는 부드럽게 연주하기 힘들게 만든다. 이는 결국 소프트 페달이 사용되지 않아야할 곳에서 사용하는 것을 "정당화"할 수 있다. 보이싱을 게을리한 피아노의 주인은 해머 보이싱이 된 이후에 타건감이 무거워졌다고 불평하기 때문에 피아노 조율사의 작업을 어렵게 만들 수 있다. 진실은, 이런 소유주들은 깃털처럼 가벼운 타건감에 익숙하게 된 나머지 훌륭한 피아노 소리를 만드는데 드는 진짜 힘을 들여 연주하는 것을 배우지 않은 것이다. |
In most uprights, the soft pedal causes all the hammers to move closer to the strings, thus restricting hammer motion and decreasing the volume. Unlike the grands, loud sounds cannot be produced in an upright when the soft pedal is depressed. One advantage of uprights is that a partial soft pedal works; partial soft pedaling is a complex subject for grands and will be treated in detail below. There are a few upscale uprights in which the soft pedal works similarly to that of the grands. | 대부분의 업라이트 피아노에서, 소프트 페달은 모든 해머를 현에 가깝게 움직이고, 그 결과 해머 움직임을 제한하고 볼륨을 줄인다. 그랜드 피아노와는 달리, 업라이트 피아노에서는 소프트 페달을 밟으면 큰 소리가 나지 않는다. 업라이트 피아노의 한가지 이점은 저렇게 소프트 페달의 불완전하게 작동한다는 것이다; 불완전한 소프트 페달링은 그랜드 피아노의 복잡한 주제이고, 아래에서 좀더 자세히 다뤄질 것이다. 그랜드 피아노와 비슷하게 작동하는 소프트 페달을 가지는 몇몇 평균이상의 업라이트 피아노가 있다. |
In modern grands, the soft pedal causes the entire action (including the hammers) to shift to the right so that the hammers miss one string in the 3-string section. Thus the hammers hit only two strings, causing a serendipitous transformation in the character of the sound, as explained below. The shift is exactly half the distance between adjacent strings in the 3-string section; thus the two active strings will hit the less used portions of the hammer between string grooves, creating an even gentler sound. The horizontal motion must not shift one string distance because then the strings will fall into the grooves made by adjacent strings. Since string distances and the amount of shift cannot be controlled sufficiently accurately, this would cause some strings to fall exactly into the grooves while others will miss, creating uneven sound. | 현대의 그랜드 피아노에서 소프트 페달은 전체의 동작(해머 포함)을 오른쪽으로 움직여, 해머가 3- 스트링 섹션(건반 하나에 연결된 3개의 현을 의미 : 역자 주)에서 한 스트링을 놓치게 한다. 따라서 해머는 단지 두 개의 현만을 때리기 때문에(그랜드 피아노에서 원래는 타건시 해머는 한 건반당 세개의 현을 때려야 한다 : 역자 주), 아래에 설명 된 것처럼 소리의 성격에서 우연한 변화를 일으킨다. 움직임은 3-스트링 섹션내의 인접한 현 사이의 정확히 절반만큼 일어난다; 따라서 두 개의 활성화된 현은 스트링 그루브(평소에 피아노를 연주할 때, 소프트 페달을 밟지 않을시 현은 정확히 해머의 같은 부분만을 때리게 된다. 이 과정이 반복되면, 현과 해머가 만나는 부분에 현에 의해서 홈이 생기게 되는데 이것을 스트링 그루브라고 한다. : 역자주)사이의 해머의 덜 사용되는 부분에 부딪히며, 보다 부드러운 소리를 낸다. 이 수평적인 이동이 인접한 현 사이의 간격만큼 이루어지면 안되는데, 그 이유는 그렇게 되면 스트링은 인접한 현이 만든 스트링 그루브로 떨어지기 때문이다. 현 사이의 간격과 움직임의 정도가 충분하게 정밀하게 컨트롤되지 않으면, 다른 현들이 빗겨갈 대 어떤 현들은 스트링 그루브에 떨어지게 되어, 일정한 소리를 내지 못하게 된다. |
Why does timbre change when two strings are struck instead of three? Here, timbre is controlled by at least four factors: (1) existence of the unstruck string, (2) the prompt-/after-sound ratio, (3) the harmonic content, and (4) vibrational polarization of the strings. Let’s examine these in more detail. | 세 현을 때릴 때 보다, 두개의 현을 때릴 때 음색이 바뀌는건 왜인가? 그건 음색이 적어도 4가지 요인에 의해 조절되기 때문이다 : (1) 부딪히지 않은 현의 존재, (2) 세 개의 문자열 대신 두 개의 문자열을 입력하면 음색이 변경되는 이유는 무엇입니까? 여기서 음색은 (1) 비 스트링 스트링의 존재, (2) prompt sound(서스테인중 빠르게 감쇄하는 부분 : 역자주) / after sound(서스테인중 완만하게 감쇄하는 부분) 비율, (3) 배음의 양, 그리고 (4) 현의 진동 분화. 자세히 알아보자. |
The unstruck string acts as a reservoir into which the other two strings can dump their energy and produces many new effects. Since the vibration of the 3rd string is in anti-phase with the struck strings (a driven string is always in anti-phase with the driver), it takes the edge off the initial prompt sound (see below) and at the same time, excites vibrational modes that are different from those that result when all three are struck in unison. This is why the soft pedals in uprights don't work as well -- all the strings are struck even when the soft pedal is depressed, and the timbre cannot change. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
The piano produces an initial prompt-sound and a sustaining after-sound; see the “Scientific American” and “Five Lectures” articles reviewed in the Reference section for more details on topics discussed in this paragraph. Unlike the simplified picture of fundamental and harmonic frequencies that we use when tuning a piano, the actual string vibrations consist of a complex time dependent series of events that are still incompletely understood. In such situations, the actual data from existing pianos are of more practical value, but those data are closely held trade secrets of piano manufacturers. Therefore, I summarize here some general knowledge based on the physics of the piano sound. The string vibrations can be polarized, either parallel to the soundboard, or perpendicular to it. When the strings are struck, vertically polarized traveling waves are generated that move away from the hammer in both directions, towards the agraffes (capo bar) and towards the bridge. These waves travel so rapidly that they reflect back from both ends of the strings and pass the hammer several hundred times before the hammer bounces off the strings; in fact it is these waves that throw the hammer back. Horizontally polarized waves are generated from the vertical waves because the piano is not symmetric. These traveling waves decay into standing waves consisting of harmonics (including the fundamental) because the standing waves are “normal vibration modes” (see a mechanics text book) that transfer energy slowly to the soundboards and are therefore long-lived. However, from the very beginning, the concept of fundamentals and harmonics remains valid because the Fourier coefficients (see a math or physics textbook) of the fundamental and harmonic frequencies are always large, even for the traveling waves. This is easily understood because the ends of the strings do not move, especially for well-constructed, large, heavy pianos. In other words, mostly wavelengths that have nodes (points of zero motion) at both ends are generated when the ends are fixed. This explains why, in spite of the traveling waves, tuners can tune accurately using only the fundamental and harmonic frequencies. The vertically polarized waves transfer energy more efficiently to the soundboard than the horizontally polarized waves and therefore produce a louder sound but decay faster, and create the prompt sound. The horizontally polarized standing waves produce the after-sound which gives the piano its long sustain. When the soft pedal is depressed, only 2 strings can produce the prompt sound but eventually, all 3 strings contribute to the after-sound. Therefore, the prompt-/after-sound ratio is smaller than for 3 strings and the sound is less percussive with the soft pedal. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
The harmonic content is also different because the energy of the hammer is transferred to only 2 strings instead of 3, which is like hitting the string with a heavier hammer, and it is known that heavier hammers produce stronger fundamentals. The polarizations of the strings also change with the soft pedal because the third string will be polarized more horizontally, which contributes to the gentler sound. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
This type of understanding helps us to use the soft pedal correctly. If the pedal is depressed before a note is played, the initial time dependent traveling waves will excite all strings, creating a soft background roar. That is, in the prompt sound, the non-harmonic Fourier coefficients are not zero. If you place your finger on any string, you can feel it vibrate. However, octave and harmonic strings will vibrate with higher amplitudes than the dissonant strings, which is a consequence of the larger Fourier coefficients for the harmonics. Thus the piano not only selectively traps the harmonics, but also selectively generates them. Now if the pedal is depressed after the note is struck, there will be sympathetic vibration in octave and harmonic strings, but all the other strings will be almost totally quiet because the standing waves contain only pure harmonics. This produces a clear sustained note. The lesson here is that, in general, the pedal should be depressed immediately after striking the note, not before, in order to avoid dissonances. This is a good habit to cultivate. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
A partial soft pedal works on an upright; but can you use a half soft pedal on a grand? This should not be controversial but is, because even some advanced pianists think that if a full soft pedal gives a certain effect, a partial soft pedal will give a partial effect, which is false. If you use a partial soft pedal, you will of course get a new sound. There is no reason why a pianist shouldn't be allowed to do that, and if it produces an interesting new effect that the pianist likes, there is nothing wrong with that. However, this mode of play was not intentionally designed into the piano and I know of no composer who composed for partial soft pedal on a grand, especially because it is not reproducible from piano to piano, and from note to note on the same piano. Extensive use of partial soft pedals on the grand will cause some strings to shave off one side of the hammer, thus throwing the system out of regulation. Also, it is impossible for the piano technician to align all hammers and strings so accurately that the third string will miss the hammer at the same pedal travel for all 3-string notes. Thus the partial soft pedal effect will be uneven, and different from piano to piano. Therefore, unless you have experimented and are trying to produce some strange and irreproducible new effect, half-pedaling is not recommended for the soft pedal on a grand. Nonetheless, anecdotal accounts indicate that use of partial soft pedal on a grand does occur, almost always because of ignorance on the part of the pianist about how it works. The only way to use a partial soft pedal with reproducible results is a very slight soft pedal, in which case all the strings will hit the sides of the grooves in the hammer. Even this scheme will not really work, because it will affect only the 3-string section, resulting in a jarring transition from 2-string to 3-string sections. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
In the double and single string sections, the strings have much larger diameters, so when the action moves sideways, the strings hit the side walls of the grooves, thus giving them a horizontal motion and increasing the after-sound by increasing the horizontally polarized string vibrations. Thus the change in timbre is similar to that in the 3 string section. This mechanism is fiendishly ingenious! | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |
In summary, the name soft pedal is a misnomer for a grand. Its main effect is to change the timbre of the sound. If you play a loud sound with the soft pedal depressed, it will be almost as loud as without the soft pedal. This is because you have put roughly the same amount of energy into making the sound. On the other hand, it is easier to play softly using the soft pedal on most grands because the strings hit the less used, softer parts of the hammers. Provided that the piano is well regulated and the hammers are properly voiced, you should be able to play just as softly without the soft pedal. A partial soft pedal will produce unpredictable, uneven effects and should not be used for an acoustic grand. A partial soft pedal works on most uprights and all electronic pianos. | 번역을 입력해 주세요 |