모듈:ISO 639
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local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local warn = require('Module:Warning')
local languageNameOverrides = mw.loadData('Module:ISO 639/overrides')
Get the language name, in English, for a given ISO 639 (-1, -2 or -3) code
Returns nil if the language is not in the lookup tables.
function p.language_name(code, failValue)
-- Only continue if we get passed a non-empty string for the code param
if code == nil or code == '' then
warn('No ISO code provided to [[Module:ISO 639]]')
return failValue
elseif type(code) ~= 'string' then
warn('ISO code \"' .. tostring(code) .. '\" is not a string')
return failValue
-- If we have a local override, apply it
local language = languageNameOverrides[code]
-- Otherwise, ask MediaWiki for the language name in English for this code
if language == nil or language == '' then
language = mw.language.fetchLanguageName(code, 'en')
-- If we got no name from MediaWiki and have no override for this code,
-- load the big honkin' local lookup table and check there.
if language == nil or language == '' then
local localLanguageNames = mw.loadData('Module:ISO 639/local')
language = localLanguageNames[code]
-- If we found a non-empty lang name we return it.
if language ~= nil and language ~= '' then
return language
-- otherwise we return the failure value
warn('ISO code \"' .. code .. '\" not recognized by [[Module:ISO 639]]')
return failValue
Implements [[Template:ISO 639 name]]
function p.ISO_639_name(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p.language_name(args[1] or args.code, '[[Category:' .. 'ISO 639 name template errors' .. ']]')
return p