아나키스트 FAQ/아나키스트의 사회는 어떤 모습인가?

I.1.1 사회주의는 불가능한가?

I.1.2 자유지상주의적 공산주의는 불가능한가?

I.1.3 도대체 시장의 무엇이 나쁜 것일까?

I.1.4 자본주의가 착취적이라고 한다면 사회주의는 그렇지 않은가?

I.1.5 자본주의는 효율적으로 자원을 할당하였는가?

I.2 여기서 논하는 것이 아나키스트 사회의 미래상인 것인가?


I.2.1 왜, 아나키스트 사회가 어떤 것인지를 논하는가?

I.2.2 자본주의에서 아나키스트 사회로 직접 이행하는 것은 가능할까?

I.2.3 아나키스트 사회가 만들어지는 틀은 어떤 것인가?

I.3 What could the economic structure of an anarchist society look like?


I.3.1 What is a "syndicate"?

I.3.2 What is workers' self-management?

I.3.3 What does socialisation mean?

I.3.4 What relations exist between individual syndicates?

I.3.5 What would confederations of syndicates do?

I.3.6 What about competition between syndicates?

I.3.7 What about people who do not want to join a syndicate?

I.3.8 Do anarchists seek "small autonomous communities, devoted to small scale production"?

I.4 How would an anarchist economy function?


I.4.1 What is the point of economic activity in anarchy?

I.4.2 Why do anarchists desire to abolish work?

I.4.3 How do anarchists intend to abolish work?

I.4.4 What economic decision making criteria could be used in anarchy?

I.4.5 What about "supply and demand"?

I.4.6 Surely communist-anarchism would just lead to demand exceeding supply?

I.4.7 What will stop producers ignoring consumers?

I.4.8 What about investment decisions?

I.4.9 Should technological advance be seen as anti-anarchistic?

I.4.10 What would be the advantage of a wide basis of surplus distribution?

I.4.11 If socialism eliminates the profit motive, won't performance suffer?

I.4.12 Won't there be a tendency for capitalism to reappear?

I.4.13 Who will do the dirty or unpleasant work?

I.4.14 What about the person who will not work?

I.4.15 What will the workplace of tomorrow look like?

I.4.16 Won't a libertarian communist society be inefficient?

I.5 What would the social structure of anarchy look like?

I.5.1 What are participatory communities?

I.5.2 Why are confederations of participatory communities needed?

I.5.3 Would confederations produce bureaucrats and politicians?

I.5.4 How will anything ever be decided by all these meetings?

I.5.5 Are participatory communities and confederations not just new states?

I.5.6 Won't there be a danger of a "tyranny of the majority" under anarchism?

I.5.7 What if I don't want to join a commune?

I.5.8 What about crime?

I.5.9 What about Freedom of Speech under Anarchism?

I.5.10 What about political parties, interest groups and professional bodies?

I.5.11 How will an anarchist society defend itself the power hungry?

I.5.12 Would an anarchist society provide health care and other public services?

I.6 What about the "Tragedy of the Commons"?

I.6.1 How can property "owned by everyone in the world" be used?

I.6.2 Doesn't communal ownership restrict individual liberty?

I.7 Won't Libertarian Socialism destroy individuality?

I.7.1 Do tribal cultures indicate that communalism defends individuality?

I.7.2 Do anarchists worship the past or the "noble savage"?

I.7.3 Is the law required to protect individual rights?

I.7.4 Does capitalism protect individuality?

I.8 Does revolutionary Spain show that libertarian socialism can work in practice?

I.8.1 Is the Spanish Revolution inapplicable as a model for modern societies?

I.8.2 How were the anarchists able to obtain mass popular support in Spain?

I.8.3 How were Spanish industrial collectives organised?

I.8.4 How were the Spanish industrial collectives co-ordinated?

I.8.5 How were the Spanish agricultural co-operatives organised and co-ordinated?

I.8.6 What did the agricultural collectives accomplish?

I.8.7 Were the rural collectives were created by force?

I.8.8 But did the Spanish collectives innovate?

I.8.9 Why, if it was so good, did it not survive?

I.8.10 Why did the C.N.T. collaborate with the state?

I.8.11 Was the decision to collaborate a product of anarchist theory?

I.8.12 Was the decision to collaborate imposed on the CNT's membership?

I.8.13 What political lessons were learned from the revolution?

I.8.14 What economic lessons were learned from the revolution?