사용자:HappyMidnight/인도네시아 식품의 라벨 및 광고에 관한 정부규정

제1장 총칙 편집


In this Government Regulation the meaning of:

1. Food is anything that is derived from biological sources and water, whether treated or untreated, which is applied as a food or beverage for human consumption, including food additives, food raw materials and ingredients others are used in the process of preparing, processing and or the making food or drink.

2. Processed food is a food or beverage resulting from the process in a way or method given with or without food additives.

3. Label food is any food in the form of a description of the image, writing, a combination of both, or other forms that are included in the food, put into, attached to, or are part of food packaging, further in this government regulation is called Label.

4. Advertising of food is any information or statements on food in the form pictures, writing, or other forms done in various ways for marketing and or the food trade, hereinafter in this regulation called Advertisement.

5. Food is kosher food does not contain elements or substances illicit or Muslims are forbidden to be consumed, both concerning food raw materials, food additives, auxiliaries and other auxiliary materials, including materials food that is processed through the process of genetic engineering and irradiation of food, and the is made in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law.

6. Nutritional food is a substance or compound found in food consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals as well as derivatives that are useful for growth and human health.

7. Food production is an activity or process of producing, preparing, processing, create, preserve, pack, repack, and or change shape food.

8. Packaging of food is the material used to contain or wrap food, either in direct contact with food or not.

9. Transporting food is any activity or series of activities in order move food from one place to another in a way or means any transport in the framework of the process of production, distribution and or trade food.

10. Distribution of food is any activity or series of activities in order distribution of food to the public, either for trading or not.

11. The food trade is any activity or series of activities in order the sale or purchase of food, including an offer to sell food, and other activities relating to the alienation of food to gain rewards.

12. Everyone is individual and business entity, whether that entity legal or not.

13. Indonesian National Standard is a standard set by the Agency for Standardization Nasional (BSN).

제2장 식품의 라벨 편집

제3장 식품 광고 편집

제1절 총칙 편집


(1) Every ad on traded food shall contain information about food are true and not misleading, either in the form of images and or voice, statements, or other form whatsoever.

(2) Every ad on food must not conflict with the norms decency and public order.


(1) Any person producing and or importing into the territory of Indonesia food for a commercial purpose, and include any statement or description incorrect and or to mislead in the rent.

(2) The publisher, printer, radio broadcasting license holder or television, agents and or medium used to broadcast ads, co-responsible for the content of ads that is not true, unless concerned has taken the necessary measures to examine the truth of the ads in question.

(3) For the purposes of supervision, publishers, printers, radio broadcasting license holder or Television, agents and or medium used to broadcast ads banned identity a secret, the name and address Ads advertisers.


Everyone who stated in the ad that the food traded is appropriate with the requirements of a particular religion or belief, is responsible for the correctness the statement.


(1) Ads should not be made in any form to be circulated or distributed in public by discrediting other food products.

(2) Ads must merely show children under the age of 5 (five) years in any form, except where the food is intended for children under the age of 5 (five) years.

(3) Advertisement on certain processed food containing ingredients that yield high that can harm or interfere with growth and or development of children is prohibited published in any media that is specifically intended for children.

(4) Advertisement on food intended for infants aged up to 1(One) year, published in the mass media is prohibited, except in special print media health, after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Health, and in advertising shall include a statement that the food in question is not breast milk substitutes.

제2절 식품에 관련된 영양 및 건강 광고 편집


The statement of any kind of food for health benefits listed Ads in mass media, should be accompanied by information that supports the statement that the ad in question clearly so easily understood by the public.


(1) Advertising in the media stating that the food is food which is intended for people who run a special diet, must include elements of food which supports the statement.

(2) addition to the information referred to in paragraph (1), the rent must also contains information about the nutritional value of food and the impact that may occur case the food is consumed by others who are not running a special diet question.


Ads must not contain information or statements that the couple is the source superior energy and immediately gives strength.

제3절 Advertisement on Food for Specific People Group 편집


(1) Advertising on food intended for infants or children under five years shall contain a description of the designation.

(2) addition to the information as to which referred to in paragraph (1), Advertising question must also contains a warning about the negative impact of food concerned for health.


Advertisement on processed food that contains ingredients that may interfere with the growth and health of the child or must include eringatan about the negative impact on the food for the growth and health of children.


광고는 관련된 식품이 의약품으로서 효용을 가질 수 있다는 진술이나 정보를 포함하는 것이 금지된다.

제4절 식품원료의 원산지와 상태에 관한 광고 편집


Advertisement on food made without the use or only partially uses natural raw materials must not contain a statement that the food is concerned entirely made of natural materials.


Advertisement on food made from semi-finished or finished material, shall not contain a statement that the food is made from fresh ingredients.


비타민, 미네랄 기타 영양 성분이 강화된 식품이라고 주장하는 광고는, 그것이 가공과정에서 실제로 이루어진 것인 한, 금지되지 않는다.


Food made or derived from certain natural materials can only be advertised as derived from the natural raw materials, if the food contains natural ingredients concerned is not less than the minimum requirements set out in Standards National Indonesia.